Ancient astrology guidance to find clarity and inner peace.

Get quick answers to your most pressing questions or take the time to explore your chart in depth – your journey awaits.

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Your chart is Your Soul's Map. Let's Explore it Together to Find the Answers you Seek.

Innerchart is a space of co-creation. It’s a private sanctuary where you can ask questions, share your concerns or simply express curiosity about your chart. I will meet you with openness, empathy and a common eagerness to discover your inner workings with the help of astrology. Let’s dive in!

Types of readings

Sometimes you may feel stuck in life, from not knowing which career path to choose to having troubles with love to just feeling like something is wrong, but not sure why. You wish to gain a  different perspective about yourself and your life. 

The readings at Innerchart were developed to suit your needs and make astrology available to everyone – whether you’re looking for a quick answer to a very specific question or you wish to enjoy a more in-depth chart interpretation.

mysterious planet

Your one question

It's very simple and straightforward: you ask one specific question with a clear intent, you get your answer via email in 24h.

Your chart highlights

A reading where I use my intuition to highlight the most important aspects and themes that come through in your chart.

Your Theme Exploration

You have a theme you wish to explore? You get a focused, in-depth reading about a specific life area or topic of your choice.

What you can expect from an Innerchart reading

A range of Possibilities

You are a unique soul, with your unique history, circumstances and personal tendencies. The same aspect can manifest in different ways for different people, so expect a range of what's possible, and choose what resonates with YOU.

A balanced view

There are always two sides to any aspect, any downside comes with opportunities and every upside comes with risks. Your reading will reflect this and will strive to avoid any overly positive or negative bias.

Gentle guidance

Astrology is NOT a diagnosis tool and it doesn't guarantee neither doom nor success. YOU are always free to choose and make your own path. But wouldn't it help if you get to know the terrain first? All readings will provide you with insights and guidance to reflect on.

The How not the what

Expect insights and guidance on your inner workings and potential influences coming your way. But astrology cannot predict your future. For example, your chart can indicate the kind of partner you may be attracted to, but not whether you will ever get married.

how it feels

The Innerchart Mission

No matter which reading you choose, I will meet you where you are. And from there, the goal is to help you explore further, deeper inside yourself. 

The aim is not to seek validation for what you already believe or fear, but offer insights that may spark a new or wider perspective. It’s a dialogue based on mutual trust. The more you are able to share in your reading request, the more I will be able to personalize your reading based on your specific circumstances and give you a balanced interpretation of your chart.
